Co-operatives UK: International Co-operatives Year

Co-operatives UK: International Co-operatives Year
October 24, 2011 Calverts


The United Nations has declared 2012 as the International Year of Co-operatives, and Calverts has been working on a campaign identity and website for the UK Co-op movement. The global IYC 2012 launch takes place today with an event at UNHQ in New York.

With a seasonally themed programme and the call to action ‘Make it Co-operative’, the aim is to equip Co-operatives UK’s members and supporters to promote the social brand, boost the profile of their own enterprises, and ride the wave of interest in co-operatives.

This promotional leaflet was sent out last week, to coincide with the website going live on Thursday, and over the next few weeks  we’ll be designing and producing a tooklit for UK co-operative members and supporters.


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